The often unforgiving Star Wars galaxy, particularly under the increasingly tyrannical Galactic Empire, with its strict control on goods and movement, prompted the age-old profession of smuggling to absolutely thrive. Only those that exhibit the sharpest reflexes, highest cunning, and enough luck can survive the smuggler’s life and be prosperous while doing so and out of an Imperial prison like ISO-L8. The appeal of the smuggler in Star Wars starts from the very beginning with the character of the brash…
READ MORE »Why You Need to See Solo: A Star Wars Story
From Star Wars singles dating sites to new amusement park rides and standalone movies, the Star Wars community is in a new era. Where fans once had to suffer for decades awaiting a new movie, now they get a new film just about every year. Love it or hate it, there is one thing we know for sure – Star Wars isn’t going anywhere. With the release of Solo: A Star Wars Story, the massive fandom was given an opportunity to…