Archive for: Star Wars Dating

Star Wars Dating For Geeks Online

Dating for Geeks

In the past dating for geeks has always been a challenge. Let’s face it, we’re geeks because we love what most of society might scoff as “childish”. We understand better than most how rewarding and fun it can be geeking over the latest comic book film, video game, or opportunity to cosplay a new character. One of the largest fan groups has always (and perhaps always will be) Star Wars fans.  The popularity of the Star Wars franchise has inspired


Dating With Find Your Forces

Free Geek Dating Find Your Forces

Since 1977, Star Wars has continued to inspire generations that share an absolute passion for that galaxy far, far away. With the newest trilogy of films produced by Disney, more and more people all over the world continue to become new fans every single day. This is because unlike any other relatively young media franchise, Star Wars has made an incredible impact on global cultural and will continue to do so. The internet has allowed Star Wars fans from all over