Archive for: Sith

Star Wars online dating, not so far away!

Star Wars online dating

Star Wars online dating at FYF If you’re looking to make a long-lasting connection with someone, try Star Wars online dating! If you don’t know what to expect or are feeling nervous about it, there are a few things you can learn to feel more comfortable about the experience. People who often have trouble with social interactions in the physical world, starting conversations with strangers over the Internet might actually be a relief to them, but this tool doesn’t come


The Lightsaber – Behind The Scenes

Star Wras Dating Lightsaber

The lightsaber is an integral part of the Star Wars universe. They signify the mystique of the Jedi and the mysteries of the Force. Each film would add more to the lore of the lightsaber.  Behind the scenes, the lightsabers were a challenging feat to accomplish. Creative problem-solving would be needed. Without it, the lightsabers could have ended up looking like a cheap B-movie afterthought.  Over the years, the techniques evolved and allowed filmmakers to create grand duels that would