Somewhere, In a fictional galaxy far far away, lives a fantastical group of characters we wish we could meet, have a drink with and oh, I don’t know…marry? Luke. Han. Leia. Even Darth may have a cuddly appeal to some for a Saturday night at home watching Netflix… Luke, I am your wifey. These characters have infiltrated our souls. So, one might say, they could be our soul mates. That’s why we’ve designed a quiz so that when your dreams…
READ MORE »How Star Wars Can Lead To Love
The galaxy far, far away has been enthralling audiences and capturing the imagination of millions for generations since the first film, A New Hope released in 1977. Since then Star Wars has grown from a trilogy of sci-fi movies into a cultural powerhouse which has influenced the passions of countless people. An innumerable amount of authors, scientists, artists, musicians, engineers, and many other integral contributors to society cite Star Wars as the driving force that led them to their careers. The…