Archive for: The Gray Jedi

Nerdy Online Dating at Find Your Forces

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Nerdy Online Dating at FYF There is no better option for a geeky enthusiast than trying a nerdy online dating site. Dating nowadays is hard enough, especially if you’re into geekier things. And due to many global circumstances, meeting people in public is harder than it has been. Many people turn to online dating as a way to connect with others and start conversations with them. But it isn’t always a match made in heaven, and it’s certainly overwhelming to


Mysteries Of The Gray Jedi

Mysteries Of The Gray Jedi

Force users in the Star Wars universe have always been a mysterious lot. From the wise yet morally flawed Jedi to the powerful but selfish Sith, these groups study and use the Force by applying ancient principals built upon over thousands of years by their respective paths. However, there exists a third group, independent of the Jedi and Sith Code. The Gray Jedi walk the fine line between the light and the dark often mystifying and angering both the Jedi and