Somewhere, In a fictional galaxy far far away, lives a fantastical group of characters we wish we could meet, have a drink with and oh, I don’t know…marry? Luke. Han. Leia. Even Darth may have a cuddly appeal to some for a Saturday night at home watching Netflix…
Luke, I am your wifey.
These characters have infiltrated our souls. So, one might say, they could be our soul mates. That’s why we’ve designed a quiz so that when your dreams come true and you meet these characters, you can be certain you’re chatting up the right one — your Star Wars soulmate.
Take the quiz, so you can finally stop wondering…
There is an intergalactic war breaking out. Stormtroopers will arrive any minute. Your first thought is:
- Get me my lightsaber!
- Who started it? I must find them.
- Get me the leaders of the revolt. I will reason with them. If they won’t listen to reason, we will make them.
- Hide out until the right opportunity arises to escape.
You have just learned a world-shattering family secret. You:
- Band together. Family is family.
- Take it in stride. Every family has secrets.
- Address it directly with each member. Anything can be talked through and resolved. There is good in everyone.
- Find out who is the root of the secret. Form an alliance with them.
Chewbacca is in danger. You think:
- Is it possible to save him? Can we band together?
- There must be a way to rescue him.
- We will not leave him behind. I’ll go down with him if I have to.
- Going back for him is too dangerous. We cannot save him.
Moment of truth! Find out who your should mate is below:
- I you chose mostly A’s: Your soulmate is LUKE SKYWALKER
- I you chose mostly B’s: Your soulmate is HAN SOLO
- I you chose mostly C’s: Your soulmate is PRINCESS LEIA ORGANA
- I you chose mostly D’s: Your soulmate is DARTH VADER
Looking for your Star Wars soulmate in real life? Join Find Your Forces today!
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