Following the fall of the Galactic Empire in the aftermath of the Galactic Civil War, the First Order Stormtrooper Corps were formed. The First Order began secretly mobilizing a new generation of stormtroopers despite the Galactic Concordance which forbade this. The armored soldiers of the First Order evolved from the stormtroopers employed by the Galactic Empire and served as its military arm. Like the Imperial stormtroopers that came before them and the clone troopers before them, the First Order’s stormtroopers wore…
READ MORE »Dividing The Star Wars Chronology
One of the major aspects of Star Wars lore that offers nearly infinite story possibilities is the division of the historical eras. The stories that take place in that galaxy far, far away encompass thousands of years of history. In order to better categorize the Star Wars chronology, Lucasfilm Ltd. and Lucas Licensing established eight publishing eras for all Star Wars material. Symbols for each of the eras were also established, allowing readers to easily determine where a particular work…